January is Juan Pablo Duarte’s Birthday month and JPD Foundation has prepared a full calendar of events to celebrate this special date! Everything will happen at the JPD Community Space located at 4211 Broadway/GWB Marketplace (entrance btw 178th & 179th Streets & Ft. Washington Avenue). Take note and come join us!
January 12th @ 2-4 PM: De Quisqueya Heights
The first documentary about the history of Dominicans in New York City from pioneer Juan Rodriguez’ arrival in 1613 ’till 2018. It illustrates, through interviews, images, and historical research, the evolution of the Dominican community in the metro area. Creator, Eddy Coradin, honors past and present professionals, artists, politicians and community leaders such as; Normandía Maldonado, Rafael Petitón Guzmán, Tito Enrique Cánepa, Monica Boyar and Rafael “Bullumba” Landestoy among others. All speak in candid conversations about their origin and career paths.
About the Director: Eddy Coradin was born in Santo domingo, Dominican Republic on February 22, 1963. He started as an entrepreneur at the age of 21 in the Dominican Republic with his company named Coradin Video Music. This being the first video club in the Dominican Republic, which later became Coradin Graphic Design, in 1988 in Plaza Naco, Dominican Republic. Achieving the first competitions of video games, skateboard, among others. Then in 1990 the company was launched as Coradin Creaciones Infinitas by installing big screens in nightclubs, events and much more. It should be noted that it also supplied mixed editions of music videos to these companies with an archived collection of 3,800 master videos. In the late 90s Coradin Creaciones Infinitas moved to New York City where it created designs for companies such as Subway and Remax. It also managed to install triaxial fences in different parts of New York City. In 2003, Coradin Creaciones Infinitas moved to Miami, Florida creating countless inventions. The first being the digital menu. Then a commercial robot and services for all types of production in general. In 2011, Coradin Creaciones Infinitas became Coradin Productions adapting to the digital avant-garde of today. Producing music videos, television programs, commercials and now documentaries and films (short films and feature films). Coradin Productions is currently located in Miami, Dominican Republic and New York. Although Coradin Productions manages to make productions worldwide in countries such as Japan, Spain, the continent of Australia, among others.
January 14-28th: An Art Exhibition by Ramón Veras
Creator, storyteller and illustrator Ramon Veras will exhibit his creative pieces from the 14th to the 28th of January at JPD Community Space. The Opening Reception will happen on Tuesday, the 14th, from 4-7 PM.
Tuesday, January 14th: Opening of the “Riconcito Del Duarte” by Prof. Bienvenido Lara
Curious to learn more about Juan Pablo Duarte? In partnership with Professor Bienvenido Lara, we will have a “library” corner with literature about one of the “founding fathers” of the Dominican Republic.
Friday, January 17 @ 6:30 – 8:30 PM: “Recordando a Rosa Duarte“
Vivencia Duarteana. Producido por Jose Zabala. Interpretado por la actriz Wanda Ferreiras. Monólogo Dinorah Conorado.